About ALCS

ALCS has teams, coaches, players, and tournaments. It is meant for new players to work together to rank up, learn from demos, and practice as a group.

How to join

Join our Discord server and request to be a member. Change your nickname to your nickname, matchmaking rank, and your Faceit rank. eg. jdoe123(GN1,3). You must have and use a microphone and be able to comunicate in English.


We have qualified coaches, all for free! Just be an active part of the community.

"My brother started playing and I wanted an area he can get better, I also remember what it was like being new and always wanted to do something like this- now I have a reason"

- Coach Global Elite, Faceit lvl 10

"First off, (ALCS is) a place to find other players and get coaching- when there are more people I want to get teams inside the community to play tournaments against each other for prizes on a leaderboard"

- Coach Global Elite, Faceit lvl 10

You can invite anyone who plays CSGO